Zen Garden Tea Cocktails: A Fusion of Tranquility and Taste in New Zealand

Zen Garden Tea Cocktails: A Fusion of Tranquility and Taste in New Zealand

Jan 31, 2024Harpreet Singh0 comments

Zen Garden Tea, a tranquil blend from our exquisite collection, epitomizes the essence of serenity and balance. This harmonious mix of green tea leaves infused with calming herbs like lemongrass, rose petals, basil, lavender, turmeric, black pepper, and ashwagandha. Each ingredient is carefully chosen to enhance the tea's soothing properties and create a refreshing and subtly complex taste.

The unique composition of Zen Garden Tea makes it more than just a beverage; it's an experience that caters to the senses. The inclusion of green tea provides a base rich in antioxidants and gentle in flavour, making it perfect for relaxation and mindfulness practices. The additional herbs, each with their health benefits, contribute to the tea's overall calming effect.

Trend of Herbal Tea Cocktails 

The world of mixology is witnessing a fascinating trend: the fusion of herbal teas into cocktails. This innovative approach combines the rich, nuanced flavours of teas like Zen Garden with the craft of cocktail creation. Herbal teas, known for their aromatic and healthful properties, offer a new dimension to traditional cocktails, infusing them with unique flavours and a wellness touch.

This trend is more than a novelty; it reflects a growing desire for enjoyable and beneficial drinks. Herbal tea cocktails cater to those seeking a sophisticated drinking experience that goes beyond the usual. They allow mixologists to experiment with various flavours, from the floral notes of lavender to the earthy tones of turmeric, creating complex and satisfying beverages.

Combining Zen Garden Tea into cocktails is particularly interesting due to its blend of calming herbs. These ingredients add distinct flavours, a flavour sense of tranquillity, and relaxation to the drinks. 

Health Benefits of Zen Garden Tea Ingredients 

Zen Garden Tea is not just a delight for the palate but also a boon for wellness, thanks to its unique blend of ingredients. Each herb in this tea carries its own set of health benefits, contributing to the overall efficacy of the tea.

Lemongrass, a key ingredient, is known for its digestive and calming properties. It adds a citrusy zest to the tea, enhancing its flavour and digestive benefits. With their soothing qualities, Rose petals bring a floral aroma and gentle stress-relieving properties. Basil, a herb revered for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial attributes, adds a herbaceous note and supports respiratory health.

Lavender, famous for its relaxing and anxiety-reducing effects, lends a floral scent that elevates the tranquillity of the blend. With its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric adds an earthy flavour and boosts the tea's health quotient. Black pepper and ashwagandha further enrich the blend. Black pepper enhances nutrient absorption, while ashwagandha, known for reducing stress and boosting energy, adds an earthy flavour and enhances the tea's adaptogenic properties.

Selecting Complementary Ingredients for Tea Cocktails 

When creating a cocktail with Zen Garden Tea, combining complementary ingredients is crucial to balance and enhance the drink's flavours. The key is to select elements that harmonize with the tea's herbal notes without overpowering them.

Start by considering spirits that pair well with herbal and floral flavours. With its botanical notes, Gin is a natural choice for Zen Garden Tea. Vodka, being neutral, can also be a good base, allowing the tea's flavours to shine. For a sweeter touch, a dash of honey or agave syrup can complement the tea's natural nuances without overwhelming them.

Citrus elements, like lemon or orange peel, can add a refreshing zest, accentuating the lemongrass and citrusy notes in the tea. Fresh herbs, such as mint or additional basil, can enhance the herbal profile of the cocktail. For a bit of spice, a cinnamon stick or a few cloves can add warmth, particularly in cooler months.

Zen Garden Tea Cocktail Recipe 

Crafting a cocktail with Zen Garden Tea is an art that blends the subtleties of tea flavours with the craft of mixology. For a refreshing and unique cocktail, let's create a "Zen Garden Tea Infusion."


  • Two bags of Zen Garden Tea
  • 60ml Gin (or vodka for a neutral taste)
  • Fresh lemon juice (from half a lemon)
  • Honey or agave syrup (1 tablespoon)
  • Sparkling water
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices and fresh basil leaves for garnish


  1. Begin by steeping the Zen Garden Tea bags in 150ml hot water for about 3-5 minutes. This creates a strong tea base. Allow it to cool.
  2. Combine the cooled tea with Gin or vodka in a cocktail shaker, and add the fresh lemon juice and honey/agave syrup.
  3. Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds. This not only chills the mixture but also helps to blend the flavours.
  4. Strain the mixture into a chilled highball glass filled with ice cubes.
  5. Top off the cocktail with sparkling water for a fizzy touch.
  6. Garnish with a lemon slice and a sprig of fresh basil.

The resulting cocktail is a harmonious blend of the calming herbal notes of Zen Garden Tea and the botanical flavours of Gin, with a touch of sweetness and zest from the lemon and honey. The sparkling water adds a refreshing enthusiasm, making it an ideal drink for relaxation or social gatherings.

Tea Traditions in New Zealand: A Blend of Cultures

New Zealand, known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural mosaic, presents a unique tea tradition as diverse as its people. The country's tea culture is a harmonious blend of Maori customs and influences from British and Asian tea ceremonies, creating a fascinating tea-drinking experience.

Maori Tea Traditions

The Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, have their own rich herbal tea traditions, deeply rooted in the concept of 'Rongoā Māori' or traditional Maori healing. Utilizing native plants such as Kawakawa and Manuka, Maori herbal teas are not just beverages but a means to connect with nature and ancestral wisdom. Kawakawa tea, known for its medicinal properties, is particularly significant in Maori culture and is often used in rituals and as a holistic remedy.

British Influence

The British colonization of New Zealand in the 19th century brought the quintessential British tea culture. This influence is most evident in the afternoon tea tradition. Dainty sandwiches, scones with cream and jam, and a range of black teas served in elegant porcelain are a nod to the British high tea, now a cherished experience in many New Zealand cafes and homes.

Asian Influences

Asian immigrants have further enriched New Zealand's tea culture. Chinese and Japanese tea practices have found a place in New Zealand, emphasizing the art of tea making and the ceremonial aspects of tea drinking. Zen practices in tea ceremonies, focusing on mindfulness and the aesthetics of tea preparation and serving, resonate with the New Zealanders' appreciation for tranquillity and nature.

Modern Tea Fusion

Today, New Zealand's tea culture is an eclectic mix of these diverse traditions. Urban tea houses and cafes offer a range of teas, from classic English Breakfast to exotic Asian blends like Oolong and Jasmine. The popularity of bubble tea, matcha, and herbal infusions reflects the country's openness to global trends while cherishing its unique heritage.

The fusion of these different tea traditions in New Zealand is more than just about the beverage; it reflects the country's inclusive society. It symbolizes a coming together of various cultures, each adding its unique flavour to the collective identity of this beautiful island nation. In every cup of tea, whether a strong English brew or a delicate Asian infusion, there lies a story of cultural harmony and the shared love for this timeless beverage.

Food Pairings with Zen Garden Cocktails

Food pairing is crucial in enhancing the overall experience when serving a Zen Garden Tea cocktail. The herbal and floral notes of the tea, combined with spirits, open up a world of culinary possibilities.

Consider seafood dishes like grilled shrimp or a delicate fish ceviche for a light and refreshing pairing. These dishes complement the tea's lightness and the cocktail's zesty notes. For vegetarian options, a fresh garden salad with a lemon vinaigrette or a caprese salad with basil can mirror the herbal qualities of Zen Garden Tea.

Chicken or turkey with herbs like rosemary or thyme can echo the tea's botanical flavours for heartier fare. If you prefer red meat, choose lamb or beef dishes seasoned with light spices to balance the cocktail's complexity without overpowering it.

Cheese platters featuring mild cheeses like goat cheese or brie can also be a great accompaniment, especially when paired with fruit preserves or honey to bring out the tea's subtle sweetness.

Exploring the world of tea cocktails with Zen Garden Tea illuminates the endless possibilities of mixology. This journey showcases how traditional herbal tea can become an exquisite cocktail-making component. It encourages enthusiasts and beginners alike to experiment with flavours, blending the calming essence of Zen Garden Tea with various spirits and ingredients. 

As we conclude, we invite readers to embrace this innovative approach to tea, unlocking new sensory experiences and embracing the creativity in each cup. Zen Garden Tea cocktails are more than just drinks; they're a fusion of tradition and modernity.

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